Life, People, and Memories.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Whoop whoop! I got an iPod Touch today! :) I bought it off Victor for a reasonable price and now I am..broke! Not much happened today just got a facial. You know facials are suppose to be soothing, well they are but I wasn't expecting prickly pain in the middle of it. I'm such a big wuss, but I'm glad that Kowan's mom was being nice and gentle about it! My face is much cleaner now and I feel great. Some of the stuff that was put on my face..I have no idea what it is but I know one thing; it was real cold. Alice was right, some of the stuff they put on are amazingly cold. Yeah in the end I had a nice experience with my very first facial!

Tomorrow..err Today is new years eve! I'm going to be counting down with people! Hopefully that will be fun!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

3:45 AM boy I don't sleep these days. I also haven't blogged these days either. I suppose it's my fault for being lazy. A lot has happened and wow my first semester of university sucked ass, because of my marks. I really shouldn't blame the university for that because I mean, essentially it was my fault to begin with for skipping too much fucking class. Maybe the only thing I CAN blame is that they don't have assignments for me to do so I can boost up my marks. A lot has happened..and throughout this semester was depressing day after day, and it got a lot worse after exam week when I found out my marks. Yup. You guessed it, because of my stupidity, I've never felt so horrible in SUCH a long time. I eventually told my mom about stuff with uni this term and told her that I have to take an extra term in order for me to graduate. Well, she seemed rather content about it though not too happy with what I did this term. Yup a big fuck up, that's what I am. Meh.. in hopes of doing MUCH better, ten folds better, I've decided to suck it up and do my best in the winter term, to redeem myself. This is all part of life experience, but enough of this random depressing and emotional crap about me. I tend not to share my feelings often, and hopefully people will just assume that I'm always the happy-go-lucky guy. Oh yeah, a couple more days then it's back to school. In a way, I'm excited for school to start again just because I want to get started and ace everything! Hopefully.

So a lot of crap has happened between November and now. Too much that I can't remember except for having fun chilling with my friends and NOT thinking about depressing stuff like university. Friends are mostly the only non-suck things that I deal with for the past 4 months. They are totally worth hanging out! Never regret a single day seeing/hanging out with them! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It's almost 2010! New Years resolutions are going to come up. First on the list: Be a nicer person. At least..try my best to. I believe that no one is going to read this because they've all assumed I've gotten too lazy and stopped blogging. Yup yup. Unless they have Google Reader.. crap.

One adventure to me was quite memorable was the trip to the malls with Alice! That day was totally cool because we had a real adventure! We started the day by meeting at DC (Where she fully told me to meet me there but decides to wait at the bus stop) I found that funny. What a silly person non? We finally met at DC because she remembered and then we decided to go to Fairview. We found a Cinnabon and shared one because who can resist a hot Cinnabon? We sat beside these two uh..German ladies who was telling us how to eat a Cinnabon. It was pretty funny, and they were very nice strangers. After awhile of window shopping.. I mean that's what people do in malls right? We decided to go to another place to look for shops so we had more to choose from. I wanted a new dress shirt and she needed to get a gift for her sisters. So apparently we just took a random bus that Alice wasn't sure of..and somehow managed to find an outlet mall AND the mall we wanted to go. Way to go. Haha! Surprisingly we didn't get anything there but saw two things. Beef between white "gangsters" and mall security, skating rink with two gay people doing amazing skating stuff. Since we didn't get anything we decided to go back to Fairview to buy stuff there and also ate Korean food at this very interesting restaurant at the food court, but it tasted so awesome. After we ate and finish buying what was needed to be bought we went home! I think I forgot some details but to my extent of remembering this; I found it pretty awesome! Oh yeah! Alice wanted a picture with Santa really badly but couldn't take it cause her friends didn't want to. She was disappointed and envious that I told her Nathan is going to make us take it with him the next day. But that didn't happen either. So next year when Santa's back at the malls. We'll take one! Everyone!

p.s. I hope no one reads this.

More adventures will be posted..once I remember them. PEACE OUTSIDE.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Whoa; I should really update more often or I'll end up not using this at all. Anyhow I'm currently enjoying my banana milk after a delicious meal that Ken and I kinda made. Simple and easy to make and all done within 30 minutes time. Fun stuff! Anyhow days have been going slow after the weekend I don't know why, today just felt like it would last forever. Tomorrow I have another ARBUS meeting. I hate Mikes Bikes; it makes me angry. I got my French mark back from the test today, I was happy because I got a decent mark. Presentation for French is Thursday; crap; I can't speak.

Anyways finals coming up! (Yay break is coming I can't wait) My mom asked if I wanted to go down to the US again. I was like damn.. of course it's shopping time! Finals also means that I should start studying before it's too late. I think I can still make it out alive without getting into probation, but that requires serious concentration and large doses of reading. I'm not sure if I can do that..but it's okay I'll try. Who knows I might actually get it right and pass all my exams with flying colors. It's a dream but a dream nonetheless.

So on the weekend I forgot to write out that I bought an Arban's book, I spent $40 on this book that means I better fucking practice seriously. This book is amazing and I should go back to trumpeting seriously; so when I visit ward and play sometime I'll kick ass. Naturally. Yes trumpet players are allowed to brag as long as they're good, but only if they're way beyond everyone else. So in order for me to brag I gotta practice until my lips fall off. Oh no. Haha, that's about it for today.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wow big update! :) I just came back from Brian and Christian's party. Oh boy. The party was real tight everyone was drinking and getting fucked up by the booze especially Brian. Man oh man; I can't believe what I saw tonight it made me laugh so hard. Everyone went crazy at Brian's place I wonder how his parents could sleep. I feel bad for whoever has to clean up tomorrow cause they made a huge mess. Highlight of the night was when Chris Y. kept licking Cherry's face just for the heck of it; Brian being a very funny drunk; David laughing his ass off at everything; Nathan's ass getting rammed by the doorknob. It was gold; I have some pictures I plan on uploading onto Facebook, people will see my collection soon enough. Haha. I do hope people will remember what went on the next day. I'll just assume everyone's going to get massive hangovers and end up swearing a lot. After today it made me realize how much I miss my friends in Toronto, I should really come back every week from now on to visit them I really should. As much as I want to meet new friends, it's these old ones keep me from going insane.

Oh yeah, I remember writing about starting a shopping list for Christmas presents; I'm getting on that right now. Oh man there's too many people to buy for, I'm not even sure how much I should spend on each person. As a matter of fact I want to spend a lot on each person but since I'm so poor I can't do that. As of now I'm not even sure who am I suppose to get for yet; but I want to give to as many as possible! So yeah not much going on with life, I've been sleeping really late these days; not good. I should enforce myself to go to bed as early as possible, before I screw up in my academic life even more. I've been skipping a lot this whole week; mostly math but that's not the point! Skipping is bad in general, I need to tell myself this more. I believe I'm kind of in a slump and hopefully will get out of it soon.

I concluded that today was fun! So fun that I have another party to go to tomorrow. (Great) Haha, but then again I'll get to see more people! Good times good times! I'll report back later on this same post of what happened at the party. Man I'm not going to have enough sleep again. Oh well. Anyways time for bed, later days.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The meteor shower was pure coldness. I was freezing my butt in the middle of the night trying to look falling meteors. Awesome as it sounds I spent 2 hours and end up seeing 3. I guess it was a fun experience and people I went with made my night. First of all it was dark and by dark I mean dark like darkness. It was so dark you can't even tell who you're looking at from far away. We ended up freezing our butts in the middle of the field for 2 hours with food, and everyone saw at least one so it was a trip for something. I felt bad for Alice though; she was clearly not wearing for the weather, what a dummy. She was standing in the cold with heels for 2 hours, not smart at all. We all complained it's too cold then we decided to go home; before we do that we HAD to crash Vivian's place first just because Alice was dying. We chilled there for a bit then went home and crashed.

Because of staying out so late the next day I skipped Psych and Econ so that worked well right? Apparently I skipped an important Econ lecture from what Justin said, fortunately enough he took notes and is nice enough to share them with me. Oh he's so awesome. I also did a French test; I'm pretty sure I did well on it so I'm not worried about it too much. I got home made dinner with Christian and ate with Nathan. Ha. Fun times. Out now; be back soon.

Funny note; A Korean boy washes a Chinese girls feet. What does that mean?

P.S. Everyone is darkness.

Monday, November 16, 2009

It began as 12 am on Christian's birthday we (Christian, David C, David K, Alice, Michael and I) went out to get Marble Slab my treat for Christian, but it closed so we opt to bubble tea they were closing but we got shit anyways. We basically chilled at DC for 1-2 hours. It was nonstop laughing and making fun of the ugly couple. (Nathan's best friend in the world) More to come as later time for bed.

The next day; it was another usual Monday. Nothing much happened today, went to class, talked, laughed, the usual. Today is also the meteor shower; Apparently I'm going to watch it later in a couple of hours. I might as well go cause it won't happen for another 200 years so Christian says.
I studied for french for a bit. 100.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wow, today was the most fun day I've had this month! Where to begin? Saturday, November 14, 2009 was absolutely wonderful! It was Alissa's and Carmina's birthday party. So I woke up at 12 pm, asked Tim to go to town center with me. He was kind enough to go even though he has 3 essays to write. (which by the way good luck Tim though you'll never read this!) We walked around town looking for my cream colored tie; way to be last minute, but then again I'm a true Ward student. It took awhile but I ended up getting one at the bay, Tim said it was good so I was like sure whatever if he says it's fine then it's all good. Then I had to buy a present for Alissa, man, it's hard to look for a present for girls. Really. It took awhile but I eventually got something. This something won't be mentioned in this post so think whatever you like. After I went home got my dress clothes and tie together in a bag then off to Fairview with Alissa and friends. Since I couldn't make it to her official party; I guess we hung out a bit there; it was fun I got to see her again and I tried looking for a belt, nothing good. Oh well. I left after a short couple hours of hanging out; I took my leave to Cherry's house!

After a brief interlude at Cherry's, (changed and straightened my hair) we went to Carmina's debut! Oh man it was pure awesome. Saw all these people I haven't seen since FOREVER. I miss all my high school friends, it was really nice to see them all. There was an incident where Viv burned my face with a candle as we were giving a hug to Carmina. I will never forget the night where my face was burned. Oh my pretty face; it's funny how everyone laughed when I screamed out "ow". I guess everyone loves a guy getting hurt. So throughout the night there was food, dancing, and lots of pictures. Basically an awesome filled party. Thanks a lot Carmina for inviting me and letting be part of your 18 roses/candles! I left about 12:30 am; Cherry, Tim, and I decided to go bubble tea so we chilled there for a bit. Noisy people were sitting right beside us, we hated it, they were morons. Too bad Christian wasn't here or we could have started beef with them. Oh well. We left drove Tim and Cherry home. Tim gave me a poster; I still haven't opened it yet to see what it is yet, but thanks a lot Tim!

Now that I'm back home I'm officially partied out, my feet is dying from too much driving, dancing, and walking. Today was a very long but entertaining day, if you asked me to do it all of it again tomorrow I would answer YES right away. I love today and will be looking forward for another party next weekend. Next weekend is Christian's and Brian's birthday bash mix up; alcoholic drinking, puking, getting high night. Awesome. I'll blog on that next time! I might put a picture up later of Carmina's debut, until then peace out.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Another fun filled day. This week has been known as my week of procrastination, seriously I haven't gone to most of my classes. Next week I have to get myself back to work, there's no way I'm going to skip; except maybe math just because I hate it oh so much. During arbus there was a fire alarm, then Alice dragged me away from class just because she needed to study for her psych exam. I missed those clicker questions, she's such a horrible friend especially towards me. Yeah, speaking of psychology. I failed horribly though I got a better mark than last time it's still a horrendous mark. Justin got so pissed off when he saw his mark too, I felt bad cause he studied so hard and the teacher just fucked him over. I'm starting to brood over many of my courses because I'm doing oh so well,; with a hint of sarcasm. I told Christian today I'm becoming a Terence; it's not good I should really need something to push me up, get me studying.

On a side note, I did spent a lot of money today. First it was on food at Sobeys, then I will have to owe Christian for the Johnnie Walker that he bought for me. Damn, alcohol is pretty expensive. The food we ate at Sobeys was decent; I'd actually might go again for something else. While walking back; I realized I gave my keys to Henry, so we got locked out for a bit; I'm so fail at life. Everyone back at MKV are all studying for the test tomorrow. Good luck guys! Other than that Christian, Kenneth, and I are all gaming in my room. Apparently my room is the gaming room; well I think that's all bullshit! My room isn't meant for gaming it's meant for studying; people just happened to game all the time in my room. That's all that's interesting happened today. Peace out.

Oh yeah when people play video games they tend to scream a lot; when they scream they scream out retarded things. You just have to see and hear it; it's hilarious.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happiness is a proof that we exist; there is no meaning without it.

Random quote win.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A new day began with me sleeping for 12 hours, wonderful, just wonderful. I skipped my math lecture just because the teacher doesn't know how to teach, I resent her a lot. I might have to add that I don't do the practice questions therefore that might be also why I don't get the examples she's giving out. Though I assume none of the people in the class will get it either. I basically woke up at 1 took a shower, and went to pick up my arbus group members. We got shit done but it takes forever, and none of us would like to waste time on the shitty simulator "Mikes Bikes". As Christian would say it, "Fuck Mikes Bikes, it's not a fucking game." Doing Mikes Bikes was probably the most productive thing I've done today, that's not good I need to do some readings. Speaking of which I need to do the econ reading and make notes so I can talk to my prof again for next week.

So right now I'm not doing much just talking to a bunch of people on messenger; updating this blog. Wow seriously my life IS boring, I need to find something interesting to do at least once a day so people will be somewhat interested in my life. Then again, no one reads this blog anyways; it's okay if I don't put anything interesting up. People are over at MKV again like always, but I like it this way because it makes this place more lively. Since we have so much room I'd prefer to have more people; like they always say "the more the merrier" it's true, life is more fun when you're around friends. There should be something cool happening later tonight it's still early. I will edit this before 12.

I'm back now and something interesting did happen. I knocked down my garbage can and shit fell out. I was such an idiot for knocking the can down; because of my stupidity I went to mop the floor. Henry's awesome for helping me even though he's so tired. Science people are very hardcore about their work; they pretty much don't have a life when it comes to their labs/essays/reports/lectures/and science related things. Even then I don't think I can imagine myself doing anything in Science. That's why I am thankful for being in arts,, we get to be a little bit rowdy. So yeah we're watching a basketball game on t.v right now, Christian and Justin are too intense about this game; it makes me laugh. I'm never much of a basketball fan; therefore I never really follow it like a crazy person.

Oh my, Alissa's birthday is this weekend, Carmina's debut is also this weekend, and I have yet to buy a gift for either of them. It's Wednesday going into Thursday and I have absolutely no idea or time to get them something. Oh man I'm going into debt, it's crazy, there's so much to buy for both myself and other people. I really want a job or just steal money off some kid, it's more fun to do the second one. Well anyway I'm done for today.

Oh Christian just said something stupid, "Oh I'm Mario I'm just gonna pull a pizza out of my ass!"

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

ARBUS. Fuck arbus, was what Christian told me to write on my first line and so I did.

Well I'm currently in class NOT paying attention as usual. Good job to me right? So I have now just decided to update my blog as recently as how bored I am. Therefore I'm doing it now in the middle of my arbus class. Honestly this is the most boring class ever; well there is psychology, but let's not get into that. Speaking of psychology I just had my second midterm for this course, and I got 100. I hope.

Today has been a good day so far; life is treating me well and I'm glad, and of course I finished all my midterms. Thank God I thought I never get to see the day where I get a break. The thing which bugs me is that I have to start studying for finals. Dumb, I don't want to read anymore; especially the horrible textbooks which give an endless amount of boring.

Let's end the talk about school for today, I rather not speak about my boring side of life. I want to say something interesting; due to the lack of creativity I can't. I've always wanted to be more creative in well just about anything; especially in my music improvisation. It sucks. I haven't practiced my trumpet in forever. I miss doing so; I also don't want to practice in my residence unless there's no one there because I'm afraid of disturbing their peace. My roomies are awesome about it when I start playing my trumpet, but they're also very hardworking. I don't want to play my horn when they're here because I could be annoying the fuck out of them. I have to consider going to a practice room or find somewhere quiet, so I can get back in shape for the audition next term. There is a lot sex appeal in playing the trumpet, it makes the player very sexy. Though no one knows it yet. They will when they see me unleash my beast into their ears. Well anyway I might update this same post later; for now I'm leaving it as it is. Whoever reads this must be bored or loves me a lot; either way later.

So about 40 minutes later I've left my arbus class and decided to go to the library of Diana Porter; as I wait on the 10th floor for Christian to come, I've done nothing productive expect for stalking people's blogs. It's quite fun actually. My current mood is apathetic just because no one is here and it's quite lonely sitting in this tiny cubicle by myself. Oh Cherry sent me a text message saying how she's going to buy me a cream tie for Carmina's debut this Saturday! Joy, now I don't have to go around finding one; clearly I don't have time to go shopping this weekend anyway.

Some people clearly doesn't know when to shut the fuck up in the library; they talk way too much and way too loud for their own good. It's a library for God's sake, not a place to socialize! Well, there is the first floor but the rest is for studying or quiet purposes. Oh! I just thought of something good to do; start making a list of Christmas presents to get. It's that time of the year again and I feel like giving; and down it goes, my spending money that is.

Monday, November 09, 2009

So guys, I'm going to start blogging again. I think I'm going to start again because some of my friends like Henry started so I'll be a biter and start copying him! I'm not sure what I'm going to write for today's blog so it'll probably be a short one. I'll probably end up writing everyday or at least I would try to. How has my days been so far? It's been great because I'm in university, and I'm failing. Isn't that grand? Really I'm barely passing my courses, I have no idea why I'm not stressed. I should think about my future more especially if I want to stay in Waterloo. Also there is a psychology exam tomorrow, fuck, I should be studying but instead I'm blogging.

On a side note other things have been going excellent. I have made new friends and having an awesome time living on residence. Partying and meeting new people is a fun combination. This is why I'm failing school, I don't spend enough time reading my books. As much as I enjoy reading; reading school books is completely different from literature, it's just not that fun. Well anyway, I should go back to study psych with Christian my apparent "brother". He's awesome, more people should get to know him. I will blog about him another day.


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Simple man with simple wants. Expensive simple wants. :) More to know when updated.