Life, People, and Memories.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A new day began with me sleeping for 12 hours, wonderful, just wonderful. I skipped my math lecture just because the teacher doesn't know how to teach, I resent her a lot. I might have to add that I don't do the practice questions therefore that might be also why I don't get the examples she's giving out. Though I assume none of the people in the class will get it either. I basically woke up at 1 took a shower, and went to pick up my arbus group members. We got shit done but it takes forever, and none of us would like to waste time on the shitty simulator "Mikes Bikes". As Christian would say it, "Fuck Mikes Bikes, it's not a fucking game." Doing Mikes Bikes was probably the most productive thing I've done today, that's not good I need to do some readings. Speaking of which I need to do the econ reading and make notes so I can talk to my prof again for next week.

So right now I'm not doing much just talking to a bunch of people on messenger; updating this blog. Wow seriously my life IS boring, I need to find something interesting to do at least once a day so people will be somewhat interested in my life. Then again, no one reads this blog anyways; it's okay if I don't put anything interesting up. People are over at MKV again like always, but I like it this way because it makes this place more lively. Since we have so much room I'd prefer to have more people; like they always say "the more the merrier" it's true, life is more fun when you're around friends. There should be something cool happening later tonight it's still early. I will edit this before 12.

I'm back now and something interesting did happen. I knocked down my garbage can and shit fell out. I was such an idiot for knocking the can down; because of my stupidity I went to mop the floor. Henry's awesome for helping me even though he's so tired. Science people are very hardcore about their work; they pretty much don't have a life when it comes to their labs/essays/reports/lectures/and science related things. Even then I don't think I can imagine myself doing anything in Science. That's why I am thankful for being in arts,, we get to be a little bit rowdy. So yeah we're watching a basketball game on t.v right now, Christian and Justin are too intense about this game; it makes me laugh. I'm never much of a basketball fan; therefore I never really follow it like a crazy person.

Oh my, Alissa's birthday is this weekend, Carmina's debut is also this weekend, and I have yet to buy a gift for either of them. It's Wednesday going into Thursday and I have absolutely no idea or time to get them something. Oh man I'm going into debt, it's crazy, there's so much to buy for both myself and other people. I really want a job or just steal money off some kid, it's more fun to do the second one. Well anyway I'm done for today.

Oh Christian just said something stupid, "Oh I'm Mario I'm just gonna pull a pizza out of my ass!"

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