Life, People, and Memories.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

3:45 AM boy I don't sleep these days. I also haven't blogged these days either. I suppose it's my fault for being lazy. A lot has happened and wow my first semester of university sucked ass, because of my marks. I really shouldn't blame the university for that because I mean, essentially it was my fault to begin with for skipping too much fucking class. Maybe the only thing I CAN blame is that they don't have assignments for me to do so I can boost up my marks. A lot has happened..and throughout this semester was depressing day after day, and it got a lot worse after exam week when I found out my marks. Yup. You guessed it, because of my stupidity, I've never felt so horrible in SUCH a long time. I eventually told my mom about stuff with uni this term and told her that I have to take an extra term in order for me to graduate. Well, she seemed rather content about it though not too happy with what I did this term. Yup a big fuck up, that's what I am. Meh.. in hopes of doing MUCH better, ten folds better, I've decided to suck it up and do my best in the winter term, to redeem myself. This is all part of life experience, but enough of this random depressing and emotional crap about me. I tend not to share my feelings often, and hopefully people will just assume that I'm always the happy-go-lucky guy. Oh yeah, a couple more days then it's back to school. In a way, I'm excited for school to start again just because I want to get started and ace everything! Hopefully.

So a lot of crap has happened between November and now. Too much that I can't remember except for having fun chilling with my friends and NOT thinking about depressing stuff like university. Friends are mostly the only non-suck things that I deal with for the past 4 months. They are totally worth hanging out! Never regret a single day seeing/hanging out with them! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It's almost 2010! New Years resolutions are going to come up. First on the list: Be a nicer person. At least..try my best to. I believe that no one is going to read this because they've all assumed I've gotten too lazy and stopped blogging. Yup yup. Unless they have Google Reader.. crap.

One adventure to me was quite memorable was the trip to the malls with Alice! That day was totally cool because we had a real adventure! We started the day by meeting at DC (Where she fully told me to meet me there but decides to wait at the bus stop) I found that funny. What a silly person non? We finally met at DC because she remembered and then we decided to go to Fairview. We found a Cinnabon and shared one because who can resist a hot Cinnabon? We sat beside these two uh..German ladies who was telling us how to eat a Cinnabon. It was pretty funny, and they were very nice strangers. After awhile of window shopping.. I mean that's what people do in malls right? We decided to go to another place to look for shops so we had more to choose from. I wanted a new dress shirt and she needed to get a gift for her sisters. So apparently we just took a random bus that Alice wasn't sure of..and somehow managed to find an outlet mall AND the mall we wanted to go. Way to go. Haha! Surprisingly we didn't get anything there but saw two things. Beef between white "gangsters" and mall security, skating rink with two gay people doing amazing skating stuff. Since we didn't get anything we decided to go back to Fairview to buy stuff there and also ate Korean food at this very interesting restaurant at the food court, but it tasted so awesome. After we ate and finish buying what was needed to be bought we went home! I think I forgot some details but to my extent of remembering this; I found it pretty awesome! Oh yeah! Alice wanted a picture with Santa really badly but couldn't take it cause her friends didn't want to. She was disappointed and envious that I told her Nathan is going to make us take it with him the next day. But that didn't happen either. So next year when Santa's back at the malls. We'll take one! Everyone!

p.s. I hope no one reads this.

More adventures will be posted..once I remember them. PEACE OUTSIDE.

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