Life, People, and Memories.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wow big update! :) I just came back from Brian and Christian's party. Oh boy. The party was real tight everyone was drinking and getting fucked up by the booze especially Brian. Man oh man; I can't believe what I saw tonight it made me laugh so hard. Everyone went crazy at Brian's place I wonder how his parents could sleep. I feel bad for whoever has to clean up tomorrow cause they made a huge mess. Highlight of the night was when Chris Y. kept licking Cherry's face just for the heck of it; Brian being a very funny drunk; David laughing his ass off at everything; Nathan's ass getting rammed by the doorknob. It was gold; I have some pictures I plan on uploading onto Facebook, people will see my collection soon enough. Haha. I do hope people will remember what went on the next day. I'll just assume everyone's going to get massive hangovers and end up swearing a lot. After today it made me realize how much I miss my friends in Toronto, I should really come back every week from now on to visit them I really should. As much as I want to meet new friends, it's these old ones keep me from going insane.

Oh yeah, I remember writing about starting a shopping list for Christmas presents; I'm getting on that right now. Oh man there's too many people to buy for, I'm not even sure how much I should spend on each person. As a matter of fact I want to spend a lot on each person but since I'm so poor I can't do that. As of now I'm not even sure who am I suppose to get for yet; but I want to give to as many as possible! So yeah not much going on with life, I've been sleeping really late these days; not good. I should enforce myself to go to bed as early as possible, before I screw up in my academic life even more. I've been skipping a lot this whole week; mostly math but that's not the point! Skipping is bad in general, I need to tell myself this more. I believe I'm kind of in a slump and hopefully will get out of it soon.

I concluded that today was fun! So fun that I have another party to go to tomorrow. (Great) Haha, but then again I'll get to see more people! Good times good times! I'll report back later on this same post of what happened at the party. Man I'm not going to have enough sleep again. Oh well. Anyways time for bed, later days.

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Simple man with simple wants. Expensive simple wants. :) More to know when updated.