Life, People, and Memories.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Another fun filled day. This week has been known as my week of procrastination, seriously I haven't gone to most of my classes. Next week I have to get myself back to work, there's no way I'm going to skip; except maybe math just because I hate it oh so much. During arbus there was a fire alarm, then Alice dragged me away from class just because she needed to study for her psych exam. I missed those clicker questions, she's such a horrible friend especially towards me. Yeah, speaking of psychology. I failed horribly though I got a better mark than last time it's still a horrendous mark. Justin got so pissed off when he saw his mark too, I felt bad cause he studied so hard and the teacher just fucked him over. I'm starting to brood over many of my courses because I'm doing oh so well,; with a hint of sarcasm. I told Christian today I'm becoming a Terence; it's not good I should really need something to push me up, get me studying.

On a side note, I did spent a lot of money today. First it was on food at Sobeys, then I will have to owe Christian for the Johnnie Walker that he bought for me. Damn, alcohol is pretty expensive. The food we ate at Sobeys was decent; I'd actually might go again for something else. While walking back; I realized I gave my keys to Henry, so we got locked out for a bit; I'm so fail at life. Everyone back at MKV are all studying for the test tomorrow. Good luck guys! Other than that Christian, Kenneth, and I are all gaming in my room. Apparently my room is the gaming room; well I think that's all bullshit! My room isn't meant for gaming it's meant for studying; people just happened to game all the time in my room. That's all that's interesting happened today. Peace out.

Oh yeah when people play video games they tend to scream a lot; when they scream they scream out retarded things. You just have to see and hear it; it's hilarious.

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