Life, People, and Memories.

Monday, November 09, 2009

So guys, I'm going to start blogging again. I think I'm going to start again because some of my friends like Henry started so I'll be a biter and start copying him! I'm not sure what I'm going to write for today's blog so it'll probably be a short one. I'll probably end up writing everyday or at least I would try to. How has my days been so far? It's been great because I'm in university, and I'm failing. Isn't that grand? Really I'm barely passing my courses, I have no idea why I'm not stressed. I should think about my future more especially if I want to stay in Waterloo. Also there is a psychology exam tomorrow, fuck, I should be studying but instead I'm blogging.

On a side note other things have been going excellent. I have made new friends and having an awesome time living on residence. Partying and meeting new people is a fun combination. This is why I'm failing school, I don't spend enough time reading my books. As much as I enjoy reading; reading school books is completely different from literature, it's just not that fun. Well anyway, I should go back to study psych with Christian my apparent "brother". He's awesome, more people should get to know him. I will blog about him another day.


assassin_blade said...

Yo im stalking you

Unknown said...

Haha if Frances is stalking you, then I shall too xD


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Simple man with simple wants. Expensive simple wants. :) More to know when updated.