Life, People, and Memories.

Friday, June 08, 2007

How Napster Changed the world
Journal Entry #6

In my opinion I do not think that Napster has changed the world. Since there are many websites that also deals with what Napster does. Since you have to pay a certain fee to download free music. I find that really bad and people who does that are being ripped off of their money. I think they didn't win the battle as of yet, because there are also many other sites that deals with this problem, and I do not think they will go away anytime soon. I think that they won't benefit from anything if they did not close down Napster. Instead of they would decrease financially, because many people would pay Napster to download these music for a small fee. These people could have unlimited downloads, compared to buying real CDs which are sometimes overpriced, and people do not want to spend so much on buying just one CD. New technology that are coming out can outmatch the outdated technologies that most people still use. Since these new technologies come out, there would be no use for older ones. People would choose new things over the old and it might come in handy too. I don't know any emerging technologies that have the same thought going to trial right now.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Journal Entry #5

I think that the cyberbullying that our school saw during the assembly, showed good examples that could stop people from bullying others through via texting, websites, msn messengers etc... I learned a lot from the assembly, but some of the information is already learned. Some things that I learned was there were "certain" ways of bullying I didn't know before. Of course I do not like the idea of people bullying others in general. To make it worse they even cyberbully them. This makes it even harder to avoid them. I obviously dislike the idea of cyberbullying, and it should be stopped. People who have been cyberbullied eventually become different, they feel different about themselves. Since most people make fun of them so much, they would start agreeing with them thinking negative things about themselves. Soon they might suicide or do something dangerous like trying to kill those bullies.

To stop bullying I think that the adults at school and home, should know more about the children. Sometimes adults don't know or understand what's wrong with the children, so they just let it go. In my opinion I don't think they should let it go, and instead they should ask what's wrong. Children who are being bullied or cyberbullied, should go quickly tell a friend or an adult that they can trust. If they at least let one person know, they releated a lot of things off their shoulder. An appropriate punishment for these people are suspending these bullies, let them learn what they did wrong. If the bullying is really bad, they should be kicked off the school. So I think it all depends on the deep they made on the person who was being bullied.
Are Wii the children of Revolution
Journal Entry #4

I think that the Wii, is a revolution in gaming history because of the of the controllers that they have. It's like a whole new way of gaming. The motion sensor controllers change the way of gaming. Compared to the older controllers, these motion sensor controllers can affect the way you play games. I also think that while playing the Wii with it's various and different types of controllers, the games would proved to be more "difficult" to play. Since it requires time to get use to the motion sensor in the first place. It's like a bran new thing coming out to the world, I bet that many people are bored of those boring controllers for older systems. It has the most "unique" gaming system that came out in 2007.

I believe many people chose this gaming system over the PS3 because, not only does the price differs by a lot, the actual gaming system and its unique controllers overpowers the PS3. Even though most game releases for the PS3 have more title for what I want. The Wii games has more fun to it. I would think that if I played the Wii games, I wouldn't get bored of the games as fast as games on the PS3. Since most PS3 games are quite the same as each other. The Wii games have interesting "fun" titles such as, Mario Party, Super Smash, Wario Ware, Trauma Center 2. Most of these games have co-op and wifi compatibility, but most PS3 games are basically single player. There is no fun playing games at all when you're playing alone. With the Wii, I think you can have fun playing with your friends more.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

When War Meets Video Games
Journal Entry #3

I think that war related video games are really popular, because it is like "real" time type of game and has lots of action. Many people like to play with it, since these type of games provide a lot of action, and everything seem real. They want to feel like people who are on the battlefield, and have this real time action type of game. People who get addicted to these types of games are mostly because they want to "kill" lots of virtual people. I think that when these people do such things they enjoy being at the top, and think they can do anything while playing games. Some people prefer playing games because of how good the graphics are exceptional.

I agree with the the quote "if it's not realistic, it's not worth playing", because people enjoy playing games because of it's realistic factors. Without the realistic qualities in the game, people do not find it interesting and worth their while. I think people play these types of realistic games for fun. No matter how much people "increase" the graphics of games, it will never be the same as people who actually fought in the war. While playing at home sitting on your couch staring at the television screen doesn't compared to how the people who actually had the scariest feelings that fought in the war. People that fought were really scared and when you're playing the game, you don't feel scared at all or have the exact feeling as they did in the past.

I personally do not like playing war related video games, because I find them really unrealistic and boring. I do not find any enjoyment in just shooting people, because all you do it shoot and run. I prefer playing games that uses more strategical thinking. War games are really repetitive unlike games that uses strategical thinking. Every time it is different because you use different strategies every time. Often War games are really short and end really quick, compared to games that I play that can last for hours. Therefore I prefer playing games that takes longer and that are less repetitive.
An iPod Classroom
Journal Entry Question #2

I think that I would learn well using an iPod, because hearing seminars live might not help me as much. If I can watch and listen to the seminars on the iPod and I can understand more, since I get rewind it and put it on playback. If I were to go listen to seminars live, the instructor might talk too fast, so I might miss several things. If I missed the things during the seminar, I have to go to another seminar and listen again. Or I have to go to the instructor/teacher who taught the seminar and ask him/her directly.

While listening to the really long seminars, I tend to get tired easily. With my iPod I can take breaks so I don't have to work all the time. Using the iPod I can easily listen to music, and stop listening to the seminar and take a small break. That is another way I think I can utilize the iPod so I can learn and have fun.

If Mary Ward would embrace such technology, there are many beneficial factors in it. One advantage is that students can choose when to start on a certain subject whenever you feel like it. Some may want to fast-track and do it as quickly as possible, without waiting for other students. Another advantage that people might have is that they can do it wherever they want. For example they can just bring their iPods to the bus and do some homework there, go to the library and work there, etc...

I think that some disadvantages that students might procrastinate and stop working on it. They might leave it off until May-June and start rushing. Also they will fall behind and not be able finish their courses on time. Students might not be able to concentrate since it is an iPod after all, they might not want to work. Instead they want to listen to their music.

I do think that sometimes I might procrastinate and end up, listening with my iPod a lot more than working. As the result I would prefer using an iPod for my seminars because sometimes I might not be able to get some of the things that the teacher talks about. So if I had my iPod, I can listen to the seminar over again. There I can learn faster, and in a quicker time than most people who go to live seminars. I can also be ahead, and work faster than other students who are slower.


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