Life, People, and Memories.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wooooooooooosh! To infinity and beyond! Toy Story 3, one of the best movies I've seen to date! It was a bit sad and my eyes were a bit wet from that but none the less, if you want to revisit your childhood just watch this movie!

Friday, June 25, 2010

I managed to write consistent posts hopefully I continue to do so. One of the biggest questions that one might ask me would be, "What's new in life?" well I think that the best answer would be YOU because you people are so fresh and always bringing new ideas to my ridiculous head of mine. Being able to put up with me is like being able to put up with the most annoying asshole ever. So thanks guys. I owe you. F'reals.

On a side note..I'm looking for a job still..should I give up the job hunt until September? Or should I keep going..decisions decisions, one of the greatest joys of life. Harhar.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Reach for the stars, higher than the sky, aim for the top and never look back.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I can probably wait a million years but some days I can hardly wait a second.


What do you want to know?

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Simple man with simple wants. Expensive simple wants. :) More to know when updated.